This analysis is my attempt at theorizing a solution for a problem in a situation where the complete dataset is not available yet. This work can be used as an example to generate similar theoretical proposals, which can be beneficial in the early stages of data consulting or research projects, where confidentiality has not yet been established.
Introduction and Data analysis
Problem Description
The task at hand was to build binary classification models based on the given dichotomy of tweets that are categorized into ‘real’ and ‘fake’. Five complete approaches to achieve this are discussed and critically analyzed. Their strengths and weaknesses are compared, and the approaches are ranked based on this analysis. The dataset provided was The MediaEval 2015 ”verifying multimedia use” dataset which consisted of social media posts for which the social media identifiers were shared along with the tweet text and some additional characteristics of the post.
Dataset Characteristics
1) Data Format: The data was provided in the form of a text file with the fields separated by tabs. Two separate text files were provided, one for training and the other for testing. The data was converted into a CSV file using Microsoft Excel. 2) Data size and Volume: The dataset consisted of 14,483 tuples and 7 attributes to define them. The size of the (train and test) data was 3.28 MB put together.
Data Features and Quality
1) Raw Dataset sample: The sample is shown in Fig 1. It is to be noted that the aim was to classify using the text and tweet metadata. Ergo, the images that are included in the original dataset had not been provided for this work. 2) Grouping by class labels: There are three classes in the raw dataset, namely Fake, Humor and Real as shown in Fig. 2. The fake class consists of Reposts of real multimedia, such as real photos from the past re-posted as being associated to a current event, digitally manipulated multimedia, and synthetic multimedia, such as artworks or snapshots presented as real imagery. The humor labelled tweets may be considered as fake, but it is better to discard them to avoid exacerbating the high data bias due to the existence of significantly higher number of fake tweets than that of real tweets (9464 fake tweets with humor included and 6833 fake tweets without inclusion of the same as compared to 5004 real tweets as depicted in Fig. 3). 3) Language distribution of tweets: As seen in Fig. 3, 77% of the tweets were in English, followed by Spanish which is at 8%. Remaining tweets of 30 languages were lower than 2% each and add up to a little over 14%. The language of tweets was detected using the ‘langdetect’ library and the tweets were translated to English using the ‘googletrans’ library. 4) The column attributes in the dataset with unique and null value count: The userID and the username field represent the same detail. Hence the username attribute was removed to avoid redundancy and overfitting. The class labels, timestamps, usernames, userids and imageids were missing for 15 rows. As this is a very small number in comparison to 14,483 and comes up to about 0.1% of data, it was considered best to drop these rows. 5) Overall Quality Assessment: The data quality was assessed based on six parameters [1]. The data had very low null value rate, indicating Completeness. The dataset is from 2015 and hence might not be best suited for the classification of tweets from 2020, resulting in poor Timeliness. However, the aim of this coursework is to specifically use the mediaeval 2015 dataset to solve the problem at hand. Thus, the Validity of the data is on point. Just over 86% of the tweet texts are unique. Ergo, the Uniqueness of the data, despite not being ideal, is certainly high. Lastly, since the dataset was extracted using the twitter API, the Accuracy and Consistency of the dataset is outstanding. Putting it all together, four parameters were found to be very high and one was found to be high. Just one parameter needed improvement and hence the quality of data was stated to be high. 6) Computation speed needed: The data, being text-only data and having a small size of 3.28 MB, did not demand extreme computational power. Google Colabs, a completely free service, was used to analyze the data and use it for training and testing purposes. The notebook ran on AMD EPYC 7B12 processor and its Memory usage was less than 1 GB.
Algorithm Design
This section describes the five algorithms in detail along with the justifications for choices wherever needed.
Approach 1
This is a conventional approach that follows the ‘go-to’ process for tweet classification.
The stopwords were to be removed from the ‘tweetText’ field to prevent the models from being influenced by words that might not add much value to the meaning of the document [10]. This was done using the ‘nltk’ stopwords list. Tokenization was performed following this, which was done using the nltk tokenizer. Then, Lemmatization was to be performed to get the root words, after performing POS tagging. It is to be noted that lemmatization is preferred over stemming because the former is more powerful as it performs morphological analysis of words rather than merely cutting of the suffix [11].
Feature extraction:
The “Bag of n-grams” representation was used for feature extraction as it is “simple to understand and implement and has seen great success in problems such as language modeling and document classification” [12]. The ‘CountVectorizer’ library was to be used to generate the representation. Just unigrams were considered in this approach to keep the computational burden to a minimum. The obtained count matrix will then be normalized using TF-IDF (Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency), using ‘TfidfTransformer’ library. TF-IDF is used to reduce the influence of tokens that occur very frequently giving them less generalization power and making them less informative.
Feature selection and dimensionality reduction:
Firstly, this approach focuses only of the classification of tweets. Hence only the Word vectors and the class label features shall be taken. To reduce the dimensionality, Chi squared test, being comparatively simpler and a widely used test for statistical difference, was performed to determine if a particular feature and the class label were uniform. Features over the threshold were kept and the rest were discarded.
Multinomial NB was suitable for this approach as it was specifically made for classification with discrete features. It used abundantly with word counts for text classification as both ”training and testing complexities are linear for scanning” [2]. SVM also works great with text token classification [16]. Hence, both models are trained and the model with the higher F1-score shall be used
Approach 2
The second approach is based on a unique two-level classification model [3]. The working is portrayed in Fig. 4.
The stop words were removed from the tweets using nltk stop words list. Following this, the tweets were tokenized, parts of speech were tagged and lemmatization was performed similar to the first approach.
Feature extraction:
The tokens were then converted to feature vectors using the ‘TfidfVectorizer’ library. The ‘datetime’ python library was used to convert the given timestamps into Unix timestamps (number of seconds elapsed from 1970). This was done because this makes the timestamp into an ordinal attribute and hence can be directly fed to a model. The imageIDs were one hot encoded. One-hot encoding was chosen over merely assigning numbers as there is no preference order for the images. Thus, one hot encoding the images gives them equal weightage.
Feature selection and dimensionality reduction:
The userID, tweetId, processed timestamp, one-hot encoded imageId and tokens are selected. Dimensionality reduction is omitted in this approach as it is a two-level approach and requires every bit of data available. The inter-relations between the tweets might be lost if the dimensionality is reduced.
The TFIDF vectors will undergo clustering. The clustering algorithm used was Kmeans clustering and the distance measure was Jaccard’s distance as the order of words in the tweets was not considered. These choices were made as this combination was found to work well in similar works [4,5]. After obtaining the right number of clusters experimentally by checking performance of the final results of the approach, the obtained groups were labelled as topics. All the tweets were classified as real or fake using an SVM. The topic was labelled real if more than half the tweets belonging to the topic had the class label real. Then, the results of this topic level classification were added to each tweet in the dataset. Now, A random forest classifier was used for the final tweet level classification. Random forest was chosen because it reduces overfitting in decision trees while improving the accuracy [17] and is also great with high dimensional data [18]. ‘scikit-learn’ machine learning library was used for the SVM and random forest algorithms
Approach 3
The tweets must first be normalized by matching patterns using regular expressions. This was done to “map syntactic, lexical and Twitter specific forms found in tweets to their normalized forms” [6]. Hashtags and mentions are Twitter specific forms, and the rest are lexical forms. These were stored as separate attributes. The tweets were then tokenized, and the stop words were removed like in approach 1. Moreover, there are just 379 unique ‘imageId’ values out of 14,468 rows. Hence, this attribute could greatly help with distinguishing power and consequently was included.
Feature extraction and Selection:
The text tokens, the engineered hashtags and mentions fields, imageId and the class labels were selected. The text tokens were transformed into their respective TF-IDF representations. The imageId, hashtags and mentions are one -hot encoded using the ‘sklearn’ one-hot encoder library. Dimensionality Reduction was not applied to the whole dataset to avoid loss of information implied by inter tweet relations via user mentions, hashtags and imageIds. However, PCA was used to reduce the dimensionality of only the TF-IDF representations of the tokens. This ensures low redundancy and correlation amongst features through orthogonal components that have a high differentiating potential [14].
A deep neural network is best suited for this approach as the number of features is comparatively larger than the other approaches. Deep Neural networks consist of a fair number of neurons. Each neuron is a powerful classifier and hence a deep network of them will do a stellar job with a larger number of features when compared to conventional Machine Learning algorithms [7]. The architecture included an embedding layer, a flatten layer and two dense layers with ReLU and Sigmoid activation functions respectively. ReLU, being comparatively newer, is known to give better results than other functions and Sigmoid is used in the output layer as it is perfect for binary classification. Dropout regularization was also used to avoid overfitting. Adam Optimizer, which almost always outperforms other optimizers [19], was used and binary cross entropy was used as the loss function. This architecture was chosen as it performed well in a similar problem [13].
Approach 4
This approach classifies tweets using a Recurrent neural network (LSTM)
Special characters were removed and then the words were tokenized by converting each sequence into an integer encoded representation and normalizing the length of the sequences [8]. This specific approach is used as it tailors the data for the LSTM. The real labels are set to 1 and the fake ones are set to 0. There is no stopword removal and TF-IDF is not used as the LSTM takes the order of the words in tweets. Hence the preprocessing is more superficial when compared to other approaches.
Feature extraction and Selection:
The tokenized tweets and the label column were considered. Transfer Learning was used for feature extraction. Glove embeddings and twitter embeddings models were taken and used rather than training the word vectors from scratch. Both the embeddings were stacked together using ‘numpy.hstack’ method. The stacking demonstrated better performance than using any one of the embeddings or training them from scratch [8].
A bi-directional LSTM neural network was used for modelling for better contextual learning. The network starts off with an Embedding layer which was followed by dropout regularization. Dropout was used instead of L2 regularization as it strengthens the capability of individual neurons and reduces dependence. Then a bi-directional LSTM layer was used which was then followed by Convolutions (64,4) stacked on top of each state vector in the LSTM. This is a common practice for the classification of images and assumes that ”related information is locally grouped together” [8]. Max Pooling is applied after the convolutions before moving any further. Then comes the Dense 64 layer with ReLU activation function, which is a feed forward network to interpret the output of the LSTM layer. Finally, a Dense layer with Sigmoid activation function acts as the output layer. The binary crossentropy loss function was used along with Adam optimizer for evaluation. Adam optimizer, being the best, is also best suited for LSTM networks [20]. Hyperparameter Tuning of Batch Size, Number of epochs, Dropout Rate, LSTM Size was performed to further enhance performance.
Approach 5
This method works on the principle of ensemble learning. It uses the algorithms of the approaches 1,2,3 and 4. This method has the potential to deliver outstanding accuracy because the approaches used focus on and cover different aspects. The first approach focuses solely on the classification of tweets. The second approach employs a unique two-level classification approach which focuses on the connections between tweets. The third is a single level approach uses similar preprocessing to the second approach, but it uses a deep neural network to estimate unique hidden patterns. The fourth approach uses an LSTM model with great potential due to its reputation with textual data. Due to this diversity of approaches, they seem to complement each other and focus on what the other algorithms overlooked. Ergo, when put together in an ensemble voting scenario, they are guaranteed to give a good result. Note that each approach is made to focus on a vital aspect and hence, they are all equally important. Hence voting is apposite to this scenario.
Preprocessing, Feature extraction, Feature selection and Dimensionality reduction:
The four approaches stated in A,B,C and D were used as sub models of this ensemble model. The overview is portrayed in Fig. 5.
The predictions from all 4 models
were evaluated and the outcomes were recorded.
The class with the maximum number of votes was
taken as the outcome. Since there are four sub
models, there is a chance of a tie. In case of a tie, the
votes of approaches 2.1 and 2.2 shall be multiplied
by 0.5, that is they will be worth half their initial
value. This is due to the fact that the approaches in
2.3 and 2.4 have deep learning models and almost
always outperform the machine learning approaches
in the former two approaches and hence act as the
tie breakers.
Strengths and Weakness analysis of the approaches
Approach 1
a) Strengths i) The approach does not require heavy processing power. Performing Chisquared test further takes this down by removing features with high correlation. ii) Lemmatization gets the root word through morphological analysis. This results uniform word vector representations with less noise. iii) Multinomial NB and SVM are known to be perfect for text tokens classification in the literature [15]. b) Weaknesses i) Technique does not preserve the order of the words. ii) TF-IDF model is based on the bagof-words model and hence does not capture the position in text, semantics, and co-occurrences amongst documents. Therefore, TF-IDF is only useful as a lexical level feature [21]. iii) An ensemble of the two models could further boost performance.
Approach 2
a) Strengths i) The two-level approach takes into account the inter tweet relations. ii) Attributes other than just the tweets (userID, tweetId, timestamp, imageId) were considered resulting in better performance on data that are structurally similar to that in the dataset. iii) Clustering the tweets based on topic helps uncover unique patterns in the data that none of the other approaches consider. b) Weaknesses i) Determining the perfect number of clusters is difficult. ii) Two models without any dimensionality reduction demands powerful hardware. iii) The performance of the second model could be severely affected if the performance of the first level is not up to the mark
Approach 3
a) Strengths i) Considers mentions and hashtags as separate attributes to uncover patterns that are unique to this approach. ii) Hyperparameter tuning performed resulting in a near perfect model. iii) Deep neural network used and hence higher accuracy than other machine learning functions is highly probable. b) Weaknesses i) High number of features might make this approach susceptible to the curse of dimensionality. ii) The amount of data might not be sufficient for the neural network training iii) Does not consider the order of the words
Approach 4
a) Strengths i) Word context is considered by the LSTM network. ii) LSTM neural network with hyperparameter tuning guarantees great performance. iii) Regularization is performed to avoid overfitting. b) Weaknesses i) Being a deep learning approach, it is computationally intensive. ii) The dataset size might not be enough for ideal results and the tweets might be very small for the LSTM to draw meaningful patterns from the order of words. iii) Convolutions stacked on top of each state vector in the LSTM might end up hurting the performance
Approach 5
a) Strengths i) Being an ensemble approach, the best performance is highly likely. ii) Uses sub models that focus on different aspects guaranteeing greater depth in predictions. iii) Equal voting is used to make the final classification consequently giving equal weightage to all the models. b) Weaknesses i) Very heavy to train. Four full-fledged models are used and hence even the classification might not be quick enough for real-time usage. ii) The computational cost might not be worth the boost in performance. iii) The performance of the approach could drastically plummet if the data size is not sufficient for the deep learning models because they act as the tiebreakers.
The outcome of this ranking is to pick the approach that is best potential approach for the task at hand. Two main factors shall be considered while ranking the approaches, namely speed and correctness. Tweet classification is a task that needs real time results due to the plethora of tweets every second and the intention to quickly pick-up current affairs information that is not fake. Correctness is considered because the whole idea of classifying tweets to gather information for decision making is voided when a majority of tweets are misclassified. The best approach for the problem at hand is approach 3. It uses a deep neural network that is known to outperform machine learning algorithms almost always, given enough data. Even though the training process is computationally intensive, the classification process does not take much longer that the other approaches. Moreover, Hyperparameter tuning ensures that there is no overfitting despite the high dimensionality. Ergo, this approach strikes the right balance between accuracy and speed and is ranked 1. The next approach is the approach 4 as it uses an LSTM network and has the potential of getting excellent results when compared to machine learning approaches [9]. The sole reason for this approach not being ranked first is that it does not consider any other attributes other than the ‘tweettext’. Hence it should perform better in more generalized situations where only the tweet text is to be classified. This approach cannot be guaranteed to outperform approach 3 on the media eval 2015 dataset and hence is ranked lower. Furthermore, approach 5 is ranked third. Despite the fact that this approach is the most computationally intensive, it can almost be guaranteed that this approach will supersede the other models as it is an amalgamation of all those models. Therefore, this approach is perfect for situations where the accuracy cannot be compromised. Approach 2 is ranked 4. This is due to the reliability of concept of the two-level classification. In the off chance that the first level model performs poorly, it can severely affect the performance of the second model. Additionally, the model could be slower due to having two sub models and consequently needing 2 runs. Despite these draw backs, this model has the potential to outperform the higher ranked models if implemented thoroughly. Finally, Approach 1 is ranked fifth. The main advantage of this approach is that it is the fastest of the bunch, but it does not consider any other attributes other than the ‘tweet text’. The order of the words is also not preserved. Hence, for low budget projects with very dirty and non-uniform data from which only the tweet text is a usable attribute, this method will fit in perfectly. But due to these limitations, high performance cannot be guaranteed for this approach. With respect to the wider literature, these are the best algorithms when it comes to tweet classification based only on the given Mediaeval 2015 dataset without images. But, in the case of Mediaeval and tweet classification in general, these approaches fall short as they dont consider images. A few approaches such as the work by Christina Boididou et al. supersede these approaches. Christina Boididou et al. take into account forensic image data for more effective classification [22].
Five potential analogous approaches were discussed in this work. The preprocessing, feature extraction, feature selection and modelling steps were described in detail. The justification for the design choices was provided along with the approaches. The strengths and pitfalls of all the approaches were discussed and the approaches were ranked bases on speed and correctness. The final order of the approached in decreasing order was hypothesized to be: Approach 3 > Approach 4 > Approach 5 > Approach 2 > Approach 1. A few key takeaways are that the Deep Learning approaches will supersede the machine learning algorithms with sufficient data and enough computational power. Regularization, feature selection and dimensionality reduction are to be carefully used to reduce overfitting and make the models efficient, while keeping loss of data in mind. Hyperparameter tuning must be performed wherever possible to make the models appropriate for the current scenario. The order of the tweets can help uncover important information even though it is often neglected in terms of tweets due to their small size. Despite the thorough analysis and the inclusion of five complete approaches, there are a few things were omitted and must be resolved in the future. The images have not been considered and evaluated. Adding another level of image classification along with this can give rise to more interesting approaches and can significantly boost accuracy. Cross-Validation must be performed and the F1 scores along with the time taken by the approaches must be experimentally determined and be considered for the ranking
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